Friday, March 5, 2010

Marche du Nain Rouge!

We are SO EXCITED for this neighborhood event! If you aren't familiar with the legend of le Nain Rouge, he's a mischevious little red dwarf who has been spotted rabble rousing throughout Detroit's history ever since Antoine de la mothe Cadillac attacked him in 1701. From the Battle of Bloody Run in 1763 and the great fire of 1805, to the surrender of the city in the War of 1812 and 1967 riots, legend has it the Nain has played a part in brewing trouble in our fair city for a long, long time.

Come down to the Cass Corridor on March 21st to help banish the Nain and to participate in this new tradition of purging the bad and celebrating Spring!

Stay-tuned for fun events before the parade at City Bird, Bureau and other local businesses...

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